Cancel an Order

How to cancel an order

You can cancel an order through the Your Orders page. Note that you can only cancel orders that are not yet shipped.

  • Fill out your order number and email address at Your Orders.
  • From the Options panel, select Cancel order.
  • Confirm cancellation by selecting Yes on the popup.

You will receive a confirmation email indicating that we're processing your cancellation request. Once the cancellation is successful, you'll receive another email notification.

Note: If the Cancel order button is missing, the order is already in the shipping process and can no longer be canceled.


After the order is canceled, we will immediately initiate a refund. The refund will be issued to the same payment method you used to make the purchase. Please allow up to 5 to 7 days for the refunded amount to appear in your bank account. The exact duration may vary depending on your chosen payment method and your bank. We do not reinstate coupons or discount codes that you used to purchase the items.

Unable to cancel order

If the order can no longer be canceled, you may refuse the package on delivery or return it within 30 days. For more information, please refer to the Return Policy.